Natural Remedies
VIDEO: The Truth About Herb Safety for Kids with Cara Frank
Video Notes:
Q: How do we know the herbs we are giving our kids are safe?
A: We only purchase from companies who test for bacteria, pesticides and metals, molds fungus, etc. We also do a visual ID and make sure they are good quality and we purchase organic when available.
Q: How can parents be sure they are purchasing good quality herbs?
A: Make sure you purchase herbs with a cGMP (current good manufacturing practices) certified rating.
Q: What about herbs and nursing?
A: I would re…
Allergies: Now's the Time to Start Healing them from the Inside Out
I was recently watching a Daily Show segment and they did a piece on allergies called Along Came Pollen. In the segment, they showed a video in which news broadcasters from around the country warned of a "pollen tsunami" and a "pollen vortex". They went on to claim year after year that THIS year was the WORST ALLERGY SEASON EVER!
Reality Check: It's called spring
Pollen isn't going anywhere, but that doesn't mean you or your kids are destined to suffer for the rest of your life! If you hav…
Safe Dosages and Best Probiotic Brands for Kids and Adults
Taking probiotics on a regular basis is an essential part of our overall health. Stress, antibiotics, eating poorly, and excessive sugar intake all take a toll on the good bacteria in our gut. That's why it's necessary to supplement with probiotics. Click here to learn more about the 6 Amazing Things our Gut Flora Does. While you can get probiotics from kefir, yogurt, kombucha, and fermented foods it can sometimes be difficult to eat enough of these foods to make a difference. If you don't like …
Chinese Medicine for Sunburns, Burns, Itches, Cuts, and Injuries
Summer is in full swing at our house and we've already had to deal with mosquito bites, bruises, and some pretty scraped up knees. As my boys have gotten older (ages 9 and 11.5 at the time of this writing), they've gotten more adventurous, which inevitably leads to getting a little beat up now and then. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) we call these types of issues external diseases because the injury is caused by something outside of the body rather than from internal factors such as poor …
Allergy Remedies that Work
It’s that time of year again: sniffly, itchy, sneezy allergy season! When it comes to allergies, herbal formulas can help treat the annoying symptoms and provide significant relief.
My Favorite Formulas for Alleviating Allergy Symptoms
We have a variety of herbal formulas and supplements available depending on your particular set of symptoms. Do you suffer from itchy eyes? Stuffed sinuses? Trouble breathing? Sneezing and runny nose? It's always good to get a specific recommendation for your…
Robin's 3 Favorite Herbal Remedies for Colds
Jade Windscreen / Jade Screen for Prevention

An ongoing supplement for the prevention of colds throughout the season. I recommend taking twice daily to help boost your immunity.
Pei Min Kan Wan for Sinus Congestion

This formula is specifically for the sinuses…
Keeping Kids Hydrated During the Summer Months
Everyone knows water is a big part of having a happy, healthy summer. Pools, squirt guns, the beach- but many of us may be chronically dehydrated. We may need to drink water more often than we play around with it! Check out these neat tips, tricks and facts from Ruth Mendez at to keep you and your family hydrated in the summer heat.
TIP: When it comes to drinking water, acupuncturists recommend you consume room temperature water to preserve your digestive fire instead of drinking…
Kids Can Use Nasal Rinsing to Reduce Allergies, Asthma, Congestion and Nosebleeds
If your child has a runny nose or nasal congestion, doing a daily saline sinus rinse can help tremendously! With the right nasal rinsing products, even children as young as two can do sinuses rinses. Allergies, head colds, sinus infections, and exposure to pollution or irritants can create havoc in your child's sinus cavity, but using this easy, drug-free technique can soothe irritation, dryness and expel excess mucus (boogers)!
Saline sinus rinses can help improve:
- Allergies
- Asthma
- Po…
Non-Toxic Chemical Free Lice Eradication by the Lice Wives of Morgan Hill
There's no topic too taboo for us to tackle here at Kids + Love + Acupuncture, especially when it comes to keeping kids healthy without toxic chemicals. So, today we're talking about lice! Those little creepy crawlers are SO gross! Yuck! Just thinking about them makes my head itch!
Did you know that the toxic chemicals in lice shampoos don't work?
Loose Stools: What's Your Kid's Poo Telling You Part 2
Nobody really wants to talk or think about poo, but as I said in my last post on Constipation, it can tell us a lot about how well our kids are digesting their food and if their body is reactive to foods they’re eating. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) the smell, shape, color and firmness (or lack of) can tell us a lot about the body’s level of balance and health. In this post I’m going to review what loose stool is, what can cause it and how to treat it naturally. But before you rea…
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