
What's Your Kid's Poo Telling You? Part 1 Constipation

What's Your Kid's Poo Tellin

Everything that goes in must come out.  So, it’s time to talk poo!  If you’re a parent I’m sure you have a funny or gross poo story (usually both), but what I’m talking about is what poo can tell us about how a kid’s diet is affecting them and what to do when poo isn’t happening.  Poo really has a lot to say - it can tell us if we’re dehydrated, not eating enough fiber or fruits or veggies.  It is indicative of how well we are digesting our food and whether or not your kid’s food agrees with the…

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Pediatric Tuina Massage for Constipation

There are seven basic tuina massage techniques you can use to treat your child’s constipation.  Whether it’s from acute illness and fever or more chronic bowel issues these techniques can help.  Tuina massage is safe to use in newborns, infants, toddlers and children up to age 12, although it is most effective in children 5 and under.  For a complete discussion on treating constipation, please read What's Your Kid's Poo Telling You? Part 1 Constipation Before you get started, make sure the room …

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Pediatric Tuina Massage for Cough

line pressing ring finger

There are five basic tuina massage techniques you can use to treat your child’s cough, no matter what kind they have: wet, dry, hacking, barking, whooping or tickley.  Pediatric tuina massage is 100% safe to use in newborns, infants, toddlers and children up to age 12, although it is most effective in children 5 and under.  In addition to massage for cough, I recommend reviewing our post 7 Ways to Treat a Cough Your Pediatrician Won't Tell You About. Before you get started, make sure the room wh…

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Can Staying Warm Keep Your Kids Healthy?



Those are words of wisdom, but can staying warm in the winter really keep you healthy?  Since I don’t have any double-blind research studies to give you a definitive answer, let's look at why staying warm  on a blustery winter day will stack the odds in your favor. Catching a Cold or a Wind Cold? In Western traditions we speak colloquially of ‘catching a cold’ when we talk about getting sick with any number of viruses that cause the common cold.  In Eastern traditions we speak of a ‘wind cold…

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Lip Licker's Dermatitis: Rash Around the Lips


Early Stage Lip Licker's Dermatitis. Catch it early and it's easier to treat.[/caption] Now that the holidays are here and it’s time for the kids to smile for the camera you notice that unsightly rash around or under their lip.  This rash is commonly known as lip licker’s dermatitis.  Fall weather is cool and dry making children and some adults prone to developing dry skin, especially around the lips.  Once the skin around the lips becomes dry, kids tend to start licking it creating a rash in…

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6 Ways to Stay Healthy this Fall

Fall is here

Fall is here and it is a wonderful time of year that marks a transition in not only the seasons but in our lives. As the leaves change color to hues of golden orange and begin to fall, it marks a new season of school and a regular schedule of meals and bed times. For some it can also mean the beginning of fall allergies, asthma attacks, colds and flus. The best way to treat an illness is to prevent it from happening in the first place. According to Chinese Medicine theory, the shifting of seas…

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Easing Back into School

Easing Back into School

My kids started school today.  Unlike last year, I started preparing for back to school a couple of weeks ago.  The first step was getting to the boys to bed earlier.  It's so hard to do in August when it is hot and the sun doesn't go down until late (it's unnatural to start school before labor day as far as I'm concerned).  So, I started giving my boys a melatonin spray under the tongue about 30 - 60 minutes before bed to help counteract their exposure to light before bed.  We also have some bl…

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