Recover Your Child's Health

Help your child find lasting relief from neurological, emotional, behavioral, skin, allergen, and digestive conditions even when it seems hopeless

Take the Pediatric Toxicity Quiz

If you've seen multiple practitioners, eliminated gluten and dairy, tried various supplements, and are still struggling... You are not alone!

Pediatric medicine is lagging behind and solutions that used to work are less effective, leaving parents on their own to figure it out. The families we work with are doing so many things right, yet they're not seeing the results they expect. Why?

The root causes haven't been addressed if:

  • Each day is a struggle and there's no predictability
  • You're not sure what makes it worse or better
  • Going gluten & dairy free helped, but not enough
  • Practitioners don't know what else they can do 
    • You're not sure if supplements are working
    • Your child can't settle or regulate emotions well
    • Your child has behavior & other issues
    • Symptoms interfere with school and classwork

We have a short window where it's easiest to turn things around

Our children grow up so fast! It's never too late to help our children recover, but there are windows of opportunity where it's easier.

The older our children get the harder it is to make changes to their diet, routines, and lifestyle. The earlier we can determine the root causes and get them the help they need, the better the outcomes. Don't put off helping your child, the time is now!

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Pediatric Rounds with Robin _ Ewa Samples Photography & Videography-59

Robin helps parents address the root causes that are typically overlooked so their child can finally get long lasting relief.

Stop plugging holes with supplements or chasing symptoms. Our modern lifestyle creates a high body burden that disrupts the gut and brain and blocks the body's natural healing mechanisms.

As a pediatric health specialist, Robin helps parents uncover the underlying causes of their child's symptoms that are often overlooked by doctors and other natural health providers.

Common pediatric ailments like ADHD, allergies, anxiety, food sensitivities, eczema, rashes, digestive issues will not go away on their own.

Apply to Work with Robin & Discover the Root Causes of Skin & Respiratory Issues

You & Your Co-Parent Are Ready to Do the Work

Contact Us to Set Up a Discovery Consultation

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If it's a Fit, We'll Discuss How to Work Together


"I have had the honor of knowing Robin for many many years. Her unique blend of expertise and compassion in treating children with Chinese medicine provides tremendous practical support for parents navigating the ups and downs of raising children."



~ Stephen Cowan, MD

Author of Fire Child Water Child 


Watch Masterclass: Overlooked Root Causes of Asthma
Pediatric Healing Arts, Inc. © 2022

“I’m always amazed at the progress that my family makes after a check in with Robin. When I started the her suggestions for my baby girl's digestive issues, she finally was able to tolerate solid foods. For the last 2 nights now, I have been able let her eat at dinner and she slept comfortably instead of waking up multiple times an hour crying and fussy 🤗🤗🤗🤗. Thank you thank you! ”

Registered Nurse, Mother of 6

Pediatric Healing Arts, Inc. © 2022

“Robin is a life hacker!! When we first encountered Robin, we were a hot mess. I had stomach issues, my husband had allergies, and our two children were irritable and constantly sick. Robin met with us, listened to our ills, and calmly helped us understand how to improve our lifestyle through diet and other tools. ”

English Professor, Mother of 2

About Robin

Robin Ray Green is a master in the art of pediatric acupuncture and one of the world's leading experts in that field. She provides training for acupuncturists and licensed health professionals to be successful in helping children. As a Pediatric Health Specialist, she helps children address the root causes of their chronic illnesses when Western medicine isn’t enough.

Robin has shared the stage with notable speakers such as Dr. David Perlmutter, Jack Canfield, Dr. Pedram Shojai, Dr. Elisa Song, Dr. Roseann Capanna-Hodge, Dr. Steve Cowan, Katie Wells of Wellness Mama, and many more. 

She is the best-selling author of Heal Your Child From The Inside Out: The 5-Element Way to Nurturing Healthy, Happy Kids. This Hay House published treasure offers practical tips for parents seeking lasting solutions to their child's health issues.

When she’s not working with kids, writing or speaking you’ll find her hanging out with her boys, her dogs, reading a good book, hiking, and enjoying all things magic, especially Harry Potter!

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Pediatric Healing Arts, Inc. © 2022

“I feel so grateful for all Robin has done for myself and my two daughters. Our lives have changed so much for the better! We are healthier and calmer than we ever have been. I can't thank Robin enough for all she has done for my family!”

NICU Nurse, Mother of Two