Order Lifewave Patches & Save!
Save $27 to $120 on Your Order with Wholesale Membership
I think you're going to LOVE Lifewave phototherapy patches and highly recommend that you sign up for a wholesale membership account! Use the link below to order. If you're not sure which patches to order, click here to contact us.
Wholesale Membership Options
Pick the membership option that best fits your needs. Includes one-time $25 membership fee. No annual fees. No minimum orders. Simply save $20 to $30 on each sleeve of patches. PLUS, you'll get the wholesale discounts on all future orders and a special website to reorder. When you click the sign up link, select your country and then the type of membership you'd like. Then add your patches. We walk you through it step by step below.
Enrollment Starter
Wholesale Pricing
Custom Website for Reordering
Does Not Include Any Sleeves
Potential to Earn Retail Commissions
Most popular
Wholesale Pricing
Custom Website for Reordering
Includes 6 Sleeves at lowest price (reg. price $419.94)
Potential to Earn Retail Commissions
Wholesale Pricing
Custom Website for Reordering
Includes 2 Sleeves
(reg. price $171.67)
Potential to Earn Retail Commissions
Here's How To Order Step-by-Step
Step 1: Click the Join Button Below
On the next page "Select Your Country" and then JOIN NOW
Step 2: Select Your Membership Level
- Bronze for 2 sleeves
- Silver for 6 sleeves
NOTE: Each sleeve contains 30 patches
Step 3: Enter All Your Information
When it gets to What is Your Primary Placement. Leave as checked and don't worry about it for now.
Step 4: Create Your Website & Password
You're creating your personal website for reordering. Just use your first and last name. Then enter a password that's 6 letters long with one capital letter and one special character.
Step 5: Scroll Through Terms & Conditions and Click SUBMIT
You're ALMOST done.... You'll be taken to a page where you can push the green button to COMPLETE your order. You know your order has gone through when you get to the page where you see and can print your invoice.
Congratulations on placing your first order of LifeWave patches!
You're about to experience the amazing benefits of light therapy on your acupuncture points. It's a powerful combination and helpful for so many problems. To get started using your patches, be sure to join our FREE Acupatching Community!