Sacred Pause to Heal My Water Element

You haven't heard from me for a while because there's been A LOT going on at home.
The radio silence was no accident. My husband has been ill with a serious medical issue. After months of struggle, he's finally on the mend. Add that to a crazy-busy year of launching my book and going non-stop, I needed some downtime. I chose to honor the Water Phase of the Five Elements and allow myself some quiet, rest, and reflection.
What I didn't expect was how long of a pause I needed to truly recharge!
It's remarkable what can happen when we step out of being busy and simply slow down. In order to honor my physical needs and be more present with my family, I decided it was time to say "no" to anything that wasn't absolutely necessary and untangle myself from the obligations that were weighing on me. My own Elements were out-of-balance and ultimately what was missing was the sacred pause. The sacred pause means doing LESS in order to allow MORE! Tapping into creativity and play and leaving room for insights can only happen when we stop long enough to let them catch us!
Most importantly, it opens to the door to ease, grace, and flow.
I was so exhausted that out of sheer necessity I started consciously nurturing my Water Element every day. Even on the full days in my clinic, I created moments to stop, breathe, and tap into the quiet. I restarted my morning practices, walked in the woods, and slept A LOT! On my days off I wrote poetry, doodled, and played games with the kids. {Click here if you want to learn more about the Water Element and what it means} I decided not to force myself to blog, return e-mails, or do anything that wasn't essential until I had filled my own cup! After a few weeks I felt more grounded and my creative juices started to flow. A sense of calm, ease, and flow returned. I was finally inspired to write again! Once more I tapped into the Five Element wisdom that healed my son! But, this time to heal myself. After this whole experience, it became clear to me that I wanted to provide support for grown-ups, too! We need the Five Elements as much as our kids do!
This year I'll be sharing my own journey back to wellness through the Five Elements and I hope you'll join me.
So many of us are too busy, overwhelmed, tired, and just can't give anymore! That is until we give back to ourselves. When we start to use the Five Elements to realign our lives to reflect our needs, we can bring ourselves back to a place of balance! With the Elements as our guide, life can be easy and fun again in a way that is totally natural for us! I've got some exciting plans in store for this year, which I'll be sharing in the coming weeks!!
In the meantime, be sure to follow me over on Facebook and Instagram as I share the Five Element journey that I'm on to heal myself! Search #5elementway to see what I've been up to!
Curious if Your Water Element Needs Balancing?
Take the Quiz
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