Pediatric Gua Sha or Scraping Massage

Try this Massage that Tested & Approved for Allergies, Cough, Colds and Fevers
Pediatric Gua Sha, also known as Scraping Massage is one of my favorite techniques to use on kids ages 4 and up. Kids love this technique because it feels so good. It’s great for treating allergies, coughs, colds and fever and most kids respond really quickly, especially when used in addition to regular pediatric acupuncture treatments.
What is Gua Sha, or Scraping Massage?
Don’t be afraid of the name, Scraping Massage feels really good! Most kids love it and once they know what it is, many come into my office asking for their Gua Sha treatment! I like to teach parents because it’s so effective, easy, and fun to do.
Gua Sha is a type of massage done by using a special tool on specific areas of the body to increase blood flow and stimulate as well as regulate the immune system.*
Here is What You Will Need To Do This Technique:
- Oil: In younger children, I use a homemade Whipped Body Butter from a recipe on Kids LOVE it because it smells like chocolate. Almond or jojoba oil work really well, too. In older kids I often use an oil that has essential oils infused into it like peppermint or eucalyptus.
- Gua Sha Tool: This is an easy to hold jade tool that you can find online or in your local acupuncturist office. You can see what it looks like in the pictures below and in the video, too. You can buy a top quality Gua Sha tool like the one in the photos by clicking here.
Gua Sha or Scraping Massage Is Easy and Fun and it Feels Good- Here’s How To Do it:
- First put a layer of oil on your kid’s upper back focusing on the area on both sides of the spine between the spine and the shoulder blade
- Using a firm, but gentle pressure, rub the edge of the gua aha tool down the fleshy area on one side of the spine until it starts to turn light pink
- Then move to the other side of the spine and repeat
- You can go back and forth between the two sides until the skin there is pink
- Remember, this should feel good!
Watch the video below on how to do Pediatric Gua Sha or Scraping Massage:
Pediatric Gua Sha or Scraping Massage from Robin Green on Vimeo.
Here are Some Extra Tips for Success:
• Use a firm but gentle pressure
• Be sure to check in often with your child to see how the pressure is
• Watch body language – if they squirm the pressure is probably too hard
• Change sides periodically so one side doesn’t get sore
• Aim for turning the skin pink
With a little practice you'll be a pro before you know it. This technique can also be used on adults for the upper respiratory conditions and tight neck and shoulder muscles.
Give it a Try and Let Us Know How it Works for You in the Comments Below
*These statements have not be evaluated by the FDA. This post was shared on: Thank Goodness it's Monday from Thank Your Body Thursday from Natural Family Friday from Unprocessed Fridays from Simply Natural Saturdays from
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